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Optimized for sheet/wood applications: Impact wrench GDR 18V-210 C Professional from Bosch for professionals

Media-ID #b367b303

Optimized for sheet/wood applications: Impact wrench GDR 18V-210 C Professional from Bosch for professionals

The GDR 18V-210 C Professional with its internal hexagon holder is particularly suitable for sheet/wood applications. It prevents damage to screws and surfaces thanks to customizable screw modes, which for the first time can be selected directly on the tool’s User Interface and further configured with the app. When processing wood screws, the ‘Auto Shut-off’ function can be set such that the tool switches off at a certain point to prevent damage to the material. By saving it as a ‘Favorite’, fitters save time during repetitive screwdriving tasks and always ideally set the tool to the specific application.

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