Infographic #Bosch Group

Business developments in 2017 by region

Media-ID #1361628

Business developments in 2017 by region

Bosch recognized the potential of connectivity early on, and is now enjoying business success on this basis. A few facts will illustrate this: Bosch Software Innovations has already designed, developed, and carried out 250 international IoT projects. Bosch has so far realized 170 IoT projects of its own, Today, the Bosch IoT Suite connects 6.2 million sensors, devices, and machines with users and company applications. In response to the increasing number of mobility and IoT applications for semiconductors, Bosch is building a wafer fab in Dresden. By 2025, 80 of the world's metropolises will be smart cities, and even now, Bosch is pursuing 14 beacon projects in this field.

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