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Bosch battery ProCore18V+: Innovative tabless technology for maximum efficiency

Media-ID #32bf69a3

Bosch battery ProCore18V+: Innovative tabless technology for maximum efficiency

The enhanced efficiency of the ProCore18V+ battery is achieved thanks to the tabless design of the integrated 21700-series battery cells. In conventional lithium-ion batteries (left), each individual battery cell inside has a narrow connection band to the anode and cathode on both sides – the so called “tab”. These tabs create a bottleneck for the power delivered by the battery and contribute to the cell’s electrical inner resistance, causing heat to be generated. To ensure that the battery doesn’t overheat, particularly during high-performance applications, the tool shuts itself off, leaving the remaining energy in the battery unused.

In tabless cells (right), the electricity can flow through countless paths across the entire length of the anode and cathode rather than being restricted to one or a couple of tabs. This new design reduces the inner resistance of each individual cell by around 50 percent and therefore substantially for the battery pack as a whole. Significantly less heat is generated as a result, which is a limiting factor in demanding applications. All in all, this translates to up to 71 percent longer runtimes compared to conventional batteries thanks to the combination of tabless design and precision-tailored battery management.

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