Media-ID #14b779bb
The inspection cameras GIC 12V-5-27 C Professional (in picture) and GIC 12V-4-23 C Professional are especially robust thanks to the shock- absorbing rubber casing. The display is also slightly set back to further protect it from impacts. The IP54 protection rating guarantees that the tool can be used in areas full of dust or splash water without any issue. The cable and camera together have an IP67 protection rating and are also resistant in saltwater, ethanol, diesel, engine oil, gasoline, and AdBlue® for 30 minutes, making them suitable for automotive inspection. Even extremely hard-to-reach areas like inside the engine compartment when inspecting cars can be reached by the cameras, and the inspection can be documented with images or, if using the GIC 12V-5-27 C Professional, even a video.
Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”