Media-ID #0518a271
The GBH 18V-22 Professional has been optimized for overhead installation work. It is a particularly lightweight and compact cordless rotary hammer in the two-kilo class that offers users a high level of health and safety protection. Every part of the working process is cleaner and better for the user’s health, as the dust extractor GDE 18V-12 Professional is designed to fit seamlessly on the rotary hammer and removes dust at the point of creation. The extractor is powered by the rotary hammer’s battery, so that users are not strained by any additional weight. The Professional 18V System covers all major 18V applications and even works with brands beyond Bosch, with additional partners in the multi-brand AmpShare battery alliance. Many brands. Many tools. One battery system: All tools can run on the same 18V lithium-ion battery and charger, thus saving tradespeople time, space, and money.
Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”