Image #Working at Bosch

Bosch is Germany´s most family-friendly large enterprise

Media-ID #1-PE-183

Bosch is Germany´s most family-friendly large enterprise

Bosch has been named Germany´s most family-friendly large enterprise. In Berlin, Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and the Federal Minister of Family Affairs Dr. Kristina Schröder presented awards to companies that promote work-life balance. In the "large enterprises" category for companies with a workforce of more than 1,000, Bosch was judged the overall winner.

Bosch has been named Germany´s most family-friendly large enterprise. In Berlin, Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and the Federal Minister of Family Affairs Dr. Kristina Schröder presented awards to companies that promote work-life balance. In the "large enterprises" category for companies with a workforce of more than 1,000, Bosch was judged the overall winner.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”

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