Image #Power Tools

Precise and easy interior levelling: UniversalLevel 2 and UniversalLevel 3 from Bosch

Media-ID #1161687

Precise and easy interior levelling: UniversalLevel 2 and UniversalLevel 3 from Bosch

Interior levelling work is set to get even easier with the UniversalLevel 2 and UniversalLevel 3 cross line lasers from Bosch - thanks to the additional plumb points that the UniversalLevel 2 projects onto the floor and ceiling for example, or with the help of the second vertical line of the UniversalLevel 3, which makes right-angle alignment a piece of cake. LED indicators on the tool show whether the cross line laser is projecting a self-leveling laser cross, all lines and plumb points or lines in incline mode.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”

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