Image #Working at Bosch

Bosch’s Renningen research campus: working environment for researchers

Media-ID #545327

Bosch’s Renningen research campus: working environment for researchers

On the top floor of the main building, “Platform 12” serves as a giant creative area. At one remove from the rules and structures of everyday work, this is somewhere associates can inspire each other. In the main room – the “base” – 1930s furniture is juxtaposed with state-of-the-art electronics, including interactive whiteboards that allow researchers to communicate live with colleagues around the world – in, say, Palo Alto or Singapore. There are also workbenches and materials with which to build models. The “base” provides a counterpoint to the often theoretical, conceptual world of research work.

Stollberg, Epple;Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”

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