Image #Power Tools

Working with high user protection: AdvancedGrind 18 in the “Power for All” system from Bosch

Media-ID #2971646

Working with high user protection: AdvancedGrind 18 in the “Power for All” system from Bosch

The AdvancedGrind 18 stands out among comparable competitor models by its soft-start function and its speed pre-selection. The soft-start function gradually increases the power of the angle grinder ‒ it does not start immediately at full speed. This provides more comfort and control when working. The speed adapts itself electronically depending on the application and material. The disk stops within two seconds after the tool is switched off thanks to the integrated brake function. Its restart protection ensures that the angle grinder does not accidentally run on after a power failure.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”

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