Image #Bosch Group

Robust design combined with green laser: Rotary laser GRL 650 CHVG Professional from Bosch for professionals

Media-ID #53e4f46a

Robust design combined with green laser: Rotary laser GRL 650 CHVG Professional from Bosch for professionals

A particularly robust and easy-to-operate rotary laser with green laser and long range ‒ this is the new GRL 650 CHVG Professional from Bosch. It offers professionals in structural and civil engineering, road construction, facade and window installation, hall construction or landscaping a working range of 650 meters (diameter) and is particularly sturdy. The rotary laser is easy to operate via display and app and ensures an even wider application range thanks to new functions such as ‘CenterLock’. It helps, for example, to precisely align facades.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”

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