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Optimized for metal applications: Impact wrench GDS 18V-210 C Professional from Bosch for professionals

Media-ID #48a7943e

Optimized for metal applications: Impact wrench GDS 18V-210 C Professional from Bosch for professionals

The GDS 18V-210 C Professional with its external square holder is particularly suitable for metal applications. It prevents screw heads from being torn off during tightening thanks to customizable screw modes with functions such as ‘Shut-off after time’ and prevents bolts and nuts from falling off during loosening and getting lost during disassembly through functions such as ABR (Auto Bolt Release) and ‘Auto Slow-down’. Tradespeople are also in full control of the speed during the complete work procedure by using the User Interface and app. The maximum speed is 3,400 rpm, while the maximum tightening torque is 210 Nm.

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