Image #Power Tools

Numerous applications in the house and garden: Mobile 3-in-1 multi-talent AdvancedVac 18V-8 from Bosch for DIYers

Media-ID #053f4b16

Numerous applications in the house and garden: Mobile 3-in-1 multi-talent AdvancedVac 18V-8 from Bosch for DIYers

Whether wet or dry, coarse, or fine: The AdvancedVac 18V-8 is much more versatile than conventional wet/dry vacuum cleaners for DIYers thanks to integrated rollers and a large range of accessories such as inflation nozzles, suction pipes as well as floor and crevice nozzle. For example, it can vacuum up potting soil spilled in the trunk of a car just as easily as water which has flowed out of a washing machine.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”

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