Image #Power Tools

For versatile tasks in interior fitting: Combi laser GCL 2-50 G Professional from Bosch for professionals

Media-ID #3063579

For versatile tasks in interior fitting: Combi laser GCL 2-50 G Professional from Bosch for professionals

The combi laser GCL 2-50 G Professional is suitable for a large number of interior fitting tasks such as transmission of fire detectors or light grids, alignment of tiles and pipes or marking reference points for drywalls or ceiling lamps. It projects one horizontal and one vertical laser line each as well as two centered plumb points on the floor and ceiling. Furthermore, the function for working with the receiver no longer needs to be set in separately with the GCL 2-50 G Professional: The combi laser detects the optional LR 7 Professional automatically. Tradespeople can start immediately and thus extend the working range from up to 15 to up to 50 meters.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit "Picture: Bosch"

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