Image #Power Tools

Flexibility through Amazon Alexa and connectivity platform IFTTT: Bosch robotic lawnmowers Indego M 700 and Indego M+ 700

Media-ID #2943765

Flexibility through Amazon Alexa and connectivity platform IFTTT: Bosch robotic lawnmowers Indego M 700 and Indego M+ 700

Tell the Indego to start mowing, to pause or order its return to the docking station – with the connected Indego M+ 700, all of this is also possible using Amazon Alexa voice control. Further options for controlling the robotic lawnmower and adapting lawn care to your own requirements are available with the connectivity platform IFTTT under Here, garden lovers can connect any Indego M+ model to over 700 products and services (see PI 10948).

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”

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