Image #Power Tools

Even better wet/dry extractor due to user feedback: GAS 18V-10 L Professional from Bosch for pros

Media-ID #2957714

Even better wet/dry extractor due to user feedback: GAS 18V-10 L Professional from Bosch for pros

Bosch offers tradespeople an extensive system for efficient and healthy working. In addition to dust extractors for drilling and chiseling, it also includes extraction guards for angle grinders and a large number of wet/dry extractors. Based on user feedback Bosch makes tools like the popular GAS 18V-10 L Professional even better: Thanks to the shoulder strap and replaceable rollers, the 18-volt extractor can be used even more conveniently and flexibly. It can also be connected to tools even faster and easier with the new adapter.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”

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