Image #Power Tools

Ergonomic and fast: UniversalGrassCut 18 for medium-sized gardens

Media-ID #1453354

Ergonomic and fast: UniversalGrassCut 18 for medium-sized gardens

The UniversalGrassCut 18 combines advanced ergonomics with the innovative spool management InteliFeed including automatic line feeding. For the first time, it features two height-adjustable handles arranged in a V shape. These handles distribute weight across both arms, ensuring an ergonomic working position and reducing strain on the back. For the first time, users can select between three cutting positions using a foot pedal, eliminating the need for inconvenient stooping: One position for normal trimming, one for trimming in difficult-to-reach areas such as under garden benches and one for edge cutting.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit “Picture: Bosch”

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