Image #Power Tools

Compact, durable and maintenance-free due to brushless motor: AdvancedDrill 18 and AdvancedImpact 18 from Bosch

Media-ID #1352122

Compact, durable and maintenance-free due to brushless motor: AdvancedDrill 18 and AdvancedImpact 18 from Bosch

With a weight of only around one kilogram and an ergonomic handle, the AdvancedImpact 18, like the AdvancedDrill 18, fits comfortably in your hand. This compact design is made possible by the brushless motor, which also makes the tools longer-lasting and maintenance-free. A new feature is the magnetic screw holder, which can be attached to the QuickSnap interface instead of the interchangeable adapters: This makes inserting and turning in screws more simple.

Reproduction for press purposes free of charge with credit "Picture: Bosch"

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